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Authentic Content to Feed Your Soul

Gratitude in Action – Making Black Doris Plum Jam

All Plums are under Venus. Culpepper's Complete Herbal This is a recipe for making Black Doris Plum Jam, and it's also a post about gratitude. As the quote from Culpepper notes, plums have very feminine energy…

Hot Sauce and Fierce Friends

Do you like your friendships bland or spicy....? Are your friends fierce when they need to be? Do they call you out when you aren't the biggest person you can be? Or do they not…

Celebrating Victory: A Recipe for Blueberry Jam

The sweetest victories are often achieved with the help of others, the bitterest, won alone. Dr Maggie B This is a recipe for blueberry jam. It is also a post about the importance of celebrating victories.…

Preserving Memories and Pressed Flowers

Working with pressed flowers is a dark art when you think about it. You capture a plant at its absolute prime, squeeze its essence out of it as it slowly withers and dies, and you…

Feed your soul and rejuvenate your spirit with images, recipes, articles, wisdom and poetry.

You may even discover a little magic here and there.

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Have an awesome dayx

Dr Maggie B

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